
Android icon creator
Android icon creator

android icon creator

Spend 1 hour to manually resize your icons.In total, given your original icon, you should resize and generate 30 icons to consider all the resolutions on Android and iOS. In the next image you can see the Asset Catalog of an iOS project (using Xamarin under Visual Studio 2017): Doing this you will be sure to have the best icon for each screen resolution, consuming the minimum amount of memory.įor iOS there are even more icon resolution to create, 25 to be precise!!! The idea is to generate an icon for each folder, from the smallest one (mipmap-mdpi) to the biggest (mipmap-xxxhdpi). In the next image you can see the resources of an Android project (using Xamarin under Visual Studio 2017): The iOS icons contain also the Contents.json file so if you copy the icons and this file inside your Assets.xcassets folder, Xamarin (or xcode) will automatically recognize all the icons for the different sizes (so cool!).įor Android there are 5 resolutions that you should consider and for each resolution in your Android project there are 5 folder: Now press the “Download” button to download your icons.Īfter extracting the zip file, you can simply copy the Android icons in your Android project and the iOS icons in your iOS project. You have to resize your icon to adapt to the different screen size of Android and iOS screens.ĭrag your icon over the grey box with the text: “Drag and drop your icon here”. As you know, the process to create icons for yor apps for Android and iOS requires a lot of time.

Android icon creator